Monday, December 22, 2008


Today’s thoughts: life is about love and happiness..

This trip has made me think about everything in life that really matters. It’s not about how many different pairs of designer jeans you own, or how big your house is, it is about living every day like it is your last and doing it with the people you love. I have spent a week in tiny apartments, cold weather, and stinky clothes but it hasn’t crossed my mind once. All I have been thinking of, even at 1am with a train to catch in 5 hours, is how lucky I am. I have an incredible mother who loves me unconditionally and who I admire for being the strongest person I will ever know.. always encouraging me to step outside the box, a sister who has been my role model from day 1, friends who love me, and the opportunity to travel the world when the economy sucks, our country is at war, and the environment is deteriorating in front of our eyes. Its amazing how one week of opening my life to new cultures and experiences has completely influenced me forever. Of course it’s nice to have fancy clothes, delicious food, and cars with loud engines, but when all is said and done the one thing that will never go out of fashion, wont be digested in 20 minutes, and will never be broken down on the side of the freeway is the love and happiness that you get from all of the little things in life… the ability to share life with family and friends. I have managed to see three incredible countries by bus, train, and extremely lost cost airline and have spent only about 30 euros in a week, but those 7 days will be in my memories and in my heart for the rest of my life. I’m positive that my mom didn’t encourage this trip to teach me a lesson about money, finding myself, and the meaning of life, but I’m sure she won’t be disappointed to know that those are the three biggest lessons I will be taking back to California with me…
On another note… Milan is a beautiful city, filled with beautiful architecture, and beautiful people.
Where Ive Been....

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