Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Hola de Espana!

1:19pm- Finally on our way to Spain!

We are currently sitting on the cruise ship and about 2 hours from docking in Barcelona.

It has been an exhausting couple of days! Day 2 in Rome began by a wakeup call around 6am for breakfast in our 5 star hostel. For those of you who know, I am completely exaggerating. I honestly don’t know how I survived in there… we shared a room with 12 other students, 6 sets of bunk beds, 1 bathroom, no heat, and broken OPEN windows… plus it was about 30 degrees outside. After breakfast we took the metro to the Vatican. There was a 5 hour line to get in and it was pouring rain and about 35 degrees out. It was a living nightmare. By the time I got into the Vatican, my clothes were drenched, and my entire body hurt from shivering so much.

Although, once we finally entered, we realized it was worth the suffering. It was unbelievable. We had a tour guide who helped us through the museum and guided us to the famous statues, paintings, rugs, and bathtubs… without him; we could have spent days in there.

Our last stop at the Vatican was the Sistine Chapel. Words cannot describe the beauty of the chapel, everything from the painting on the wall to the overall feeling of awe once we walked in. It was incredible.

Day 3 in Rome was another fun filled, exciting adventure. We saw the Pantheon, Spanish Steps, Coliseum, and still managed to do a little shopping before our 4pm train to the port town of Civitavecchia to catch our boat to Barcelona. Rome was so beautiful, and in the summer must be a really fun place to be. It is definitely my second favorite city, behind Hamburg, that I’ve been to thus far.

Our activities last night on the cruise ship were a bit unexpected. We were so exhausted from the day and all of the travelling, that our main goal was to go straight to sleep. Not to go to the bar, casino, disco, and restaurant, which is exactly what we did. It was fun to chat with all of the Europeans who are also on their way to Barcelona!

Well, We arrive soon, and begin a week of Spanish traditions, food, drinks, fun, and excitement. We will be in Barcelona until January 6th, then off to Valencia for a couple days. Yesterday morning, while I was clicking through my pictures and trying to convince myself that this is not a dream, I realized an opportunity like this won’t happen again for a while. Upon that thought, I bought a plane and train ticket to Switzerland! I have always wanted to go there, and now it’s actually going to happen. I will be in Bern and Zurich before I head back to the states. I’m really excited because I am flying to the top of Italy and taking a train through the Alps; it’s going to be gorgeous and snowing!!

I wish it was easier to describe all that ive seen and done, but that would be impossible. This has been the trip of a lifetime. I still cant believe I am here, living all of these unforgettable moments.. It really shows me that some dreams really do come true =)


Saturday, December 27, 2008

Pictures from Milan and Bari!!

Currently: On TRENITALIA headed northwest to Rome, Italy from Bari, Italy

It is about 8 am and I am on the train headed to Rome. We departed from Bari at about 7 this morning where Megan and I were lovingly sent off by Michele with cappuccinos and croissants for our 4 hour journey to the capital city in Italy. Sorry if this post is repetitive, but I finally have a chance on the train to write about the past week. The next couple of days are going to be filled with a lot of sightseeing, as we have more than 5 places to see in Rome before our departure Monday evening. We will be meeting up with Melanie around 7:30 this evening. She is coming in from L.A. and will be joining Megan and I for majority of the last half of this trip.

We left Aarhus on Friday the 19th. I got about 2 hours of sleep because of the celebration that took place the previous night. Meeting so many great people in Denmark made saying goodbye difficult, even only after 2 days. I made some good friends and luckily I can now travel to France, Spain, Canada, and Croatia to visit them. We took a bus 2 hours to the airport, and flew Ryanair to Milan. I sat next to an Italian man who insisted on the window and got up every 10 minutes, even though the flight was only 2 hours. I’m sorry to say, but he was obnoxious. If you have a small bladder, sit in the aisle. Well, it was a journey, but regardless, we made it to Milan.

Milan was a small city, but still vibrant and very beautiful. It was far from what I expected, mostly because I know Celeste, and was expecting an energetic atmosphere with a crazy night life and tons of different things to do. We still managed to have a blast and make it to all of the main attractions. Milan is one of the largest shopping destinations in the world, which was made very clear when we took a stroll down one of the streets filled with designer brands, Ferraris, and women wearing fur coats with way to much makeup on. It was still beautiful and memorable.

Spending Christmas with Celeste and her family was unforgettable. We participated in the traditional 13 course Christmas Eve lunch that began at 9am and ended around 11pm. It was delicious. Christmas day also included a lot of food, family, smiles, and laughs. Surprisingly I only got a little sad once, and that was when I was writing to my mom wishing her a Merry Christmas. I can honestly say that I celebrated Christmas with the people and in the place that made me feel most like home.

During the evenings in Bari, Celeste brought us to some local pubs where we had drinks with her friends. The first night we went out, we were with her best friend’s sister, her name is Bianca and she is a famous Italian actress. I was told by Celeste, but didn’t know what to expect. It was definitely an experience to see traffic stop, people scream her name in the street, and of course to go to a packed pub and only wait 5 minutes for a table for 9. It was a lot of fun for us, but I’m sure very difficult for her to deal with. Anyways, we are arriving in Rome now...

I will write again after I can catch my breath from all the excitement.

but.....Finally we are on a train with heat, TVs, comfy seats, and lights…

Thursday, December 25, 2008

food, food, and more food.

Christmas Eve Lunch - 2008
1. Raw sea food
2. Salmon
3. Fried Pettole (Pancake)
4. Turnip with olive oil
5. Royal shrimps with light tomatoe sauce
6. Lobsters with white sauce
7. Spiced perch fish alla Rossella
8. Stockfish of the house
9. Fried minced zucchini
10. Local raw foods with olives
11. Dried fruit
12. Fresh fruit
13. Panettone centre piece and iced Italian sparkling wine Spumante

Well, there you have it. The complete menu from our Christmas "lunch." Boy, it was exhausting! I have never eaten so much food in my entire life. I am fully prepared to not eat for at least a month, but needless to say, it was absolutely delicious and I don’t regret the inability to move last night. I am currently in Bitonto, Italy. I don’t have access to my laptop and so pictures of Milan, Bari, our lunch, and my upcoming journey to Rome will be posted shortly. I am staying at Celestes house. For those of you who don’t know, she is my Italian sister. Megan and I have been nothing but loved from the minute we stepped into Italy. I was afraid the holidays were going to be depressing and lonely without my family, but Celeste and her family have done an incredible job of making us feel right at home.

Milan was so much fun. We walked around the Duomo, had plenty of cappuccinos, shopped, and toured an amazing cathedral. I cant wait to post all of the pictures, words just do not do justice for its beauty. On Tuesday morning we woke up and boarded the train to Bari. That was an unforgettable experience. The train we were on had no heat, and the ride took 9 hours. The temperature couldn’t have been over 50… I had 4 pairs of pants, 3 sweaters, a vest, 3 scarves, and 2 blankets on. It was miserable. Upon arrival into Bari, we were greeted by Celeste and her family, taken to a fish market, and cooked up an amazing dinner. It made the events of the day disappear in minutes. In Italy Christmas is celebrated on the 24th. So yesterday was our enormous lunch. After we ate from 9am to 11pm, everyone opened presents. Celeste bought me a gorgeous crystal bracelet… We then played cards until 2 am. Today was another day of food!! We only had a 5 course meal, but this time including pasta and lamb. It was so delicious. Tomorrow will be our last day in Bari, and Saturday morning we are on the 7am train to Rome. Hopefully we can get some rest in, because our list of 8 places to see in Rome must be accomplished in 3 days. Our room in Rome has internet that I can access from my laptop, so photos will be up by Saturday night. Megan and I are excited to see Rome, we are planning trips to the Vatican, Sistine Chapel, Spanish Steps, and many other famous attractions. Saturday truly begins our journey of being real tourists, no more staying with family or friends, and a lot of sight seeing, saving the best destinations for last!

I hope everyone is having an amazing Christmas and Santa brings you everything you deserve, I am keeping each and every one of you in my heart throughout this amazing journey.

Hugs and Kisses to all, and to all a goodnight…

Monday, December 22, 2008


Today’s thoughts: life is about love and happiness..

This trip has made me think about everything in life that really matters. It’s not about how many different pairs of designer jeans you own, or how big your house is, it is about living every day like it is your last and doing it with the people you love. I have spent a week in tiny apartments, cold weather, and stinky clothes but it hasn’t crossed my mind once. All I have been thinking of, even at 1am with a train to catch in 5 hours, is how lucky I am. I have an incredible mother who loves me unconditionally and who I admire for being the strongest person I will ever know.. always encouraging me to step outside the box, a sister who has been my role model from day 1, friends who love me, and the opportunity to travel the world when the economy sucks, our country is at war, and the environment is deteriorating in front of our eyes. Its amazing how one week of opening my life to new cultures and experiences has completely influenced me forever. Of course it’s nice to have fancy clothes, delicious food, and cars with loud engines, but when all is said and done the one thing that will never go out of fashion, wont be digested in 20 minutes, and will never be broken down on the side of the freeway is the love and happiness that you get from all of the little things in life… the ability to share life with family and friends. I have managed to see three incredible countries by bus, train, and extremely lost cost airline and have spent only about 30 euros in a week, but those 7 days will be in my memories and in my heart for the rest of my life. I’m positive that my mom didn’t encourage this trip to teach me a lesson about money, finding myself, and the meaning of life, but I’m sure she won’t be disappointed to know that those are the three biggest lessons I will be taking back to California with me…
On another note… Milan is a beautiful city, filled with beautiful architecture, and beautiful people.
Where Ive Been....

Sunday, December 21, 2008

ciao! ciao!

What a day! Our last night in Denmark was exhausting! We went ice skating during the day in beautiful weather, 20 degrees and sleet...

Followed by an enormous dinner at a cute little danish restaurant.. After dinner we went back to the same disco that we were at the night before, "The Social Club." It was a lot of fun to dance and sing to music like... backstreet boys, the baywatch theme song, and other real classic American tunes. Im pretty sure they just have one aweful play list that runs continuously every night. Horrible! It is also interesting how they have free beer hour from 11-12 at night, that seems a little dangerous!

well, the night ended around 5am again, and we all went for pizza. I dont think I will be able to adjust to the european lifestyle of starting the evening at 1am and ending it when the sun comes up! Especially when I need to be at the bus stop for 7am to make it to Milan, yuck. We got to the bus station just in time to catch the bus which took us to the airport. The ride was about an hour and 45 minutes, and the plane ride about 2 hours. We took Ryan Air... Europe's version of Southwest, but just a little more cattle-like. We literally ran from the terminal to the plane to get a good seat! ...and there was no food or drinks on the plane, just a couple rude flight attendants..

...and so here we are, it is about 7:20pm and we are in Milan! The weather is so much warmer, and I think I saw the sun when we landed! We were greeted at the bus station by a friend of Celeste, Stefano, who gave me keys to her flat, and kindly showed us the way! Tomorrow Megan and I are planning to visit the Duomo, do a little shopping, and really just admire all of the Italian beauty in this city! Celeste will be home around 11pm tomorrow night to prepare for our train ride down to Bari on Tuesday morning. That is where we are spending Christmas.. I cant wait to see her!!

I will post my denmark photos shortly! now out for some authentic italian food, yuummmm!


Friday, December 19, 2008

plane rides.. train rides... liters of beer... and beauty everywhere =)

10:42am and currently feeling: Sleepy, excited, antsy, and a little sad

It was an early morning. Sleeping is still a little difficult, both the time difference of 9 hours, and being away from my family is the hardest to deal with at night. When the lights are out, and it’s afternoon time in San Francisco, my mind wanders and my body doesn’t allow me to sleep. I find myself watching the stars through the window by my bed, and hoping someone back home is looking at them too. Regardless, I am still loving every second of my journey, and counting my blessings for having the opportunity to experience an amazing part of the world.

Last night was a lot of fun and a perfect way to spend my last night in Hamburg. Kara, Jim and I made gluten free pizza, had a bottle of wine, listened to some great German rap, (YouTube D-Bo) and talked. We had a long day in the city, so I deserved to relax! Saying goodbye was a little sad…

Today I had to wake up at 6:30 am to pack and head to the Bahn station. There I had some more trouble with my calling card; I promised a phone call to one of my friends back in the US but was unsuccessful, Sorry =( I think I am just going to give up on it at this point. I am currently on the ICE train to Aarhus, Denmark. I have been craving coffee since I left the US, not a cappuccino, or a latte, just a plain, black, cup of coffee. Oddly enough, the train is the first place I’ve found it! So, at this moment I am drinking a 2,90 euro cup of coffee, and reading my new book, Night Train to Lisbon by Pascal Mercier.

My ride to Denmark will take about 4 hours and 25 minutes; I am supposed to arrive in Aarhus at 13:55, and be greeted by Megan! Finally!!

I am planning on colder weather in Denmark, but some warmer and sunnier days once I reach Italy and Spain. We’ll see.

4:53 am and currently feeling: a little sleepy…

Well, today was definitely filled with fun and adventure. Denmark is gorgeous, but absolutely FREEZING!!! We just got home from the night club, and it was pouring rain and about 38 degrees outside. YUCK!
Finally meeting up with Megan was so great. I was afraid I wasn’t going to be able to find her in the train station… but once I did, it brought tears to our eyes! We chatted the entire bus ride back to her flat, it was so nice to be reunited again!

Well, I need to sleep, another long day awaits tomorrow!! I will write soon and post up some pictures of today’s festivities… As for tomorrow, the Denmark Symphony Orchestra, some ice skating, a little shopping, and back to the night club again for our last evening in Denmark!
Miss everyone and some great stories will be posted in the next day or two.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

goodbye Germany...

Hamburg, Germany, Day 2: Big breakfast, Big city hall, Big beer, Big dinner, Big hopes for such a small girl...

The German City hall, or Rathous, was absolutely stunning. It was amazing to see one of the most beautiful buildings in Hamburg, and possibly in most of europe, but moreso incredible to witness a woman so passionate about her city and government to give such a wonderful and animated tour. I learned so much about Hamburg!
After the tour we went to a real German Biergarten where I drank a Liter of Hofbrau... meaning "high brewing." It was a delicious beer from Munchen. The theme of 'big' continued at that point... My belly was Enormous!! and my confidence was growing as well =) On our journey back to Kara's apartment, we walked past all of the amazing bakeries and shops and sipped on some hot chocolate in the chilly 40 degree weather! Ill never forget the hidden smiles from all of the Germans as I gasped and pointed in amazement at all of the delicious food in the windows.

Well, a 6 am wake up call is just hours away, along with a 4 and a half hour train ride to Aarhus to finally meet up with Megan! I have had such a great time in Hamburg, and thanks to Kara and Jim, I can't wait to come back. I am really going to miss Germany... but extremely excited to make it to Denmark tomorrow!

...I have taken so many pictures along the way in beautiful hamburg that I decided to consolidate them into a little video.... I hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Hamburg, Germany- beautiful architecture, beautiful people, delicious food, heartwarming beverages, and chilly weather

I adore this country already. It was so nice waking up to a full German breakfast made by Kara and Jim, and it definitely set a wonderful mood for some German sightseeing. First on the list was the Christmas market, full of incredible German snacks: warm chestnuts, fried dough stuffed with fruit and warm chocolate sauce on top, little sandwiches, and my favorite… hot chocolate with a shot of cherry liquor.

Walking around the city was a lot of fun, the buildings are all gorgeous, but the 40 degree weather and rain put a quick end to our day full of outdoor adventure. We decided a coffee in a café on the lake was our best bet. It was a lot of fun to watch Germans stare at Kara and I while we caught up and laughed hysterically, in English.

We must have gotten “typical American” countless times. As the sun was setting and our tummies were beginning to growl, we decided a German dinner of lamb, chicken, rise, vegetables, and a couple different sauces at the local restaurant would be nice, followed by some euro cup action. Hamburg 3, Aston Villa 1.

Tomorrow: a tour of the Rathous, Hamburg’s city hall and hopefully not so many 1,70 euro bottles of wine…. Wow alcohol is so cheap in this country.

Time for some zzz’s… travelling 18 hours is tiring, even on day 2.

Ladies and Gentleman, please prepare for take off...

Well, it has been an interesting couple of days. It started by a very sad goodbye on Sunday night, waking up around 6am Monday morning, and packing and heading to the airport by 11. Sounds hectic? Well, that was the easy part.

Checking into SFO was a breeze, security line was about 4 deep, and my gate was perfectly placed next to a wonderful café, where I enjoyed an unusually delicious cup of tropical green tea. It was about 1:30 and flight 900 headed to Frankfurt was just beginning the boarding process. I was next, row 54 seat K, 7 rows from the back of an enormous 747, equipped with an upper deck. Walked back to my seat, and as usual, located the best looking boy on the plane to help put my carry on in the over head compartment. Little to my knowledge, that boy, Dominic from Switzerland, was about to become my travelling buddy and a lifelong friend.

We are ready to back away from the gate when the captain Comes on the loud speaker to announce a faulty PA system in business class. That’s right, PA SYSTEM. Was this an airplane or a journey concert? Well, when maintenance took THREE hours to establish the fact that they could not fix it and we had to get off the plane, I assumed, PA systems are a big deal. It was about 5 pm when we were informed of another 747 being present at SFO, and that was our plane for the job. All that was needed was a pilot to get us to Germany. We all pile into the terminal, when I announce, “I’m going to the bar” from there about half of the plane heard, and there we were, Dominic, Keri, and I leading the charge. About 2 Sam Adams and some quesadillas down, we finally were called back to the gate to board the new plane at 9:15, take off around 10, and land in Frankfurt at 4:30. Only about 8 hours behind schedule. (going on 14 hours of being awake)

Flight… uneventful. With 11 hours behind us, it was now time to figure out my arrangements to Hamburg. I followed Dominic, also going to Hamburg, and Keri, on her way to the Alps, to the Lufthansa help desk where I was rudely ensured a flight to Hamburg will be under way for a small sum of 380 euros. That is absolutely ridiculous, and not an option. From that point, I went to find baggage claim, purchase an ICE train ticket, and head to the station. Along the way I met a girl named Katia on her way home from Australia. We had some coffee while I waited for my train, and she waited for hers. 107 euros later, I was finally bound for Hamburg!

Being awake for almost 2 days, drinking Sam Adams with a bunch of angry Europeans, and unable to use my calling card upon arrival were all tough situations to deal with. But I’ll never forget saying goodbye to my two new great friends. Two bloodshot eyes, stretched out clothes, and a few tears later I am finally sitting on the ICE train headed to Hamburg. It is currently 7:17 pm local time, and about 44 degrees Fahrenheit. I have a four hour train ride and all I can think about is laughing to WALL-E, eating gross plane food, and discussing the beauty of life and how lucky I am to be travelling even during times of heartache with my two new friends. I’m really going to miss them.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

let the countdown begin

So, its finally almost here, about 36 hours and 42 minutes to be exact, sort of. I still haven't packed, or even given it some thought, nor have I printed my itineraries (not necessary) or gotten a phone card to please my mother... But, what I HAVE done is eat as much Asian and Mexican food to satisfy any possible cravings of fine San Francisco cuisine while i'm across the pond. Hence why on a Saturday night i'm sitting on the sofa watching Its a Wonderful Life and not out celebrating my departure... Ill be digesting tonight's enchiladas for quite a while. The next post will be sometime on Wednesday.. Ill be in Hamburg at that time staying with my friend Kara from Westford, and have travelled 13 hours by plane, 4 hours by train, and some odd amount of minutes by German public transportation... Should be interesting...

Well, let the fun times begin....

Sunday, December 7, 2008

THIS is the beginning, really?

It has been an interesting couple of days, starting with actually realizing that I am leaving for Europe in a week. I will be gone for four weeks and during that time I plan on being in Aarhus, Denmark- Hamburg, Germany- Milan, Italy- Bari, Italy- Rome, Italy- Barcelona, Spain- Valencia, Spain- Gerona, Spain- ending in Frankfurt, Germany….

This trip is coming at a perfect time. Things have been hectic, confusing, tiring, ...and for once in my life, 13 hour plane rides and 20 hour train rides will be heaven.

So with that being said...
It is going to be quite an adventure and I hope you check back for frequent updates, photos, and stories of me… my friends… and one heck of a European adventure.